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The Chronicles of Narnia, the classic series by C. S. Lewis, makes vivid the essentials of faith and love in our relationship with the One who loved us first. A land locked in the frigidness of winter, Narnia awaits the breath of Aslan to stir it to redemptive life. Lucy, the youngest of the four key human characters in the…

life words

Words have power. A wounding word can pierce deeper than physical pain. I still remember moments in junior high when my undesirable physical traits became objects of ridicule. Too many of us carry the harsh, violent, or demeaning words of a parent or coach or friend—spoken long ago. Whoever said "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will…

rated R for violence

The youth group was shocked at their leader's claim: "The Bible is full of R-rated stories." "Really? Where?" they asked. "I'm not telling you," he said.

It's true. The Bible is rife with sordid stuff. In fact, God told Israel to "completely destroy" the inhabitants of the Promised Land and take their place in Canaan (Deuteronomy 20:17-18). Why? Because of…

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